I try to explain why there is no unrest (or it is in a latent state).
- There is no political group or party to lead the disgruntled people
- There is too much political and hence social uncertainty and insecurity disallowing the people to act and come out on their own
- The current political crisis has already complicated the things too much and people fear the worst
- There may be political loyalties not allowing this or that section of the people to raise voice against this or that political party
- And most important of all, there is the Civil Economy (informal economy is an integral part of it) that provides the people with the cushion that absorbs the shocks of the hyper-inflation and there is ample evidence scattered around us that endorses this point.
- No doubt, the lowest rung of the middle classes bears the brunt of this unprecedented inflation, but various types of charitable arrangements that exist in our society and individuals and neighbors are extending the helping-hand.
Imagine there was no Civil Economy or its size was too small; there was no way the people could cope with this hyper-inflation.
Lesson: The blessing is the Civil Economy. Let it prosper.