Dr Khalil's Intellectual Space

Pak Political Economy +

Dr Khalil's Intellectual Space

Pak Political Economy +

3rd World War is an Economic War: a short note

The world is thus connected today economically it was never so in the past.

That means both dependence and interdependence, and sort of a combined survival of and for all.

In the past, there were regions that could stand isolation and survive economically. For example, some African, Asian and Latin regions.

Not so now.

Economic dependence/interdependence is technological dependence/interdependence. And vice versa.

Whether the Ukraine-Russia war will escalate or not, or what direction will it take, is too early to say.

However, it is clear that the USA and Europe instead of partnering with Ukraine are preferring economic measures, that is, various sanctions against Russia. They are trying to isolate Russia economically and technologically.

This abstaining of the USA and Europe, or say NATO, from jumping into the war against Russia is something very important.

That’s the sign of a new age that the world is entering, an age of economic war.

At this point, one prediction may be made. In the aftermath of this War, the West is going to do something about the phenomenon of economic dependence into sort of an economic interdependence, that is, by way of production, agreement, convention, or a binding resolution, or something like that.

As Norway has the other day proposed that it is set to do something to avoid its energy-dependency on Russia. So will do Europe. And we all soon.

An economically well-connected world may not afford or like to go to war.

Let’s hope it is so!

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