Dr Khalil's Intellectual Space

Pak Political Economy +

Dr Khalil's Intellectual Space

Pak Political Economy +

Economists and their Statist Solutions

The solutions economists put forward, such as to the (economic) problems/crises faced only by the state/government; I mean most of the economists, or almost all of the State Economists do that, and all of their solutions culminate in extracting more and more value or the wealth created by the entrepreneurs/citizens, i.e. that value and/or wealth that belong to them.

No such solution asks for the size of the government to be cut down, to be limited.

They always ask for more and more government, i.e. more and more taxes, etc, to be imposed on the people.

Are there no Civil Economists in Pakistan? But a few.

The civil economists focus on the (economic) problems faced by the citizens and seek/propose solutions to them.

That’s the thesis that my booklet formulates and elaborates.

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